
PuTTY-url is a patch for PuTTY that provides support for clickable URLs.

You can continue to use the final version (0.83) indefinitely, but if a security issue is found and fixed upstream in PuTTY, you should either start maintaining the patch yourself, or switch to a different terminal/ssh client. Alternatives include (alphabetical order):

  • Alacritty
  • Mintty
  • WezTerm
  • Windows Terminal
If you would like to continue maintaining the patch yourself, you can find some documentation in this Git repository.

  • Hilights and makes URLs clickable (launches in default or specified application)
  • Uses ShellExecute, meaning support for arbitrary protocols (e.g. Spotify) with an appropriate regexp
  • Sets default font to Consolas and enables ClearType if using Windows Vista or later
  • Written in plain C (unlike most other patches providing this functionality)
  • Shinier icons (originally from PuTTY Tray)
File Description
putty.exe (64 bit), putty.exe (32 bit) PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.83
putty-url-0.83.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.83
putty-url-icons.tar.gz Icon package.

Older files can be found at the bottom of this page.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.83 released. This is the final release of PuTTY-url.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.81 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.80 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.79 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.78 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.77 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.76 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.75 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.74 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.73 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.72 released.


The binaries for the latest version have been replaced with ones built using clang-cl 5.

For unclear reasons, the previous ones (built using clang-cl 8) were falsely identified as malicious by numerous (~30) anti-virus products. Binaries produced by clang-cl 6 and 7 were also affected, but to a lesser degree, while the pre-release of 9 was completely unaffected.

If you would like to access the original binaries, they can be found here: 64 bit / 32 bit (Removed on 2019-06-16 to resolve Safe Browsing flagging).


Revision 1 of PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.71 released.

Fixes the settings pane, which was broken in the initial release (due to PuTTY becoming stricter with allowed data types for settings using check boxes).


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.71 released.


New binaries for 0.70. The old binaries were subtly broken, and wouldn't start on certain machines. The cause seems to be bug with the new toolchain (newer GCC and MinGW-w64 instead of MinGW).

Starting today, binaries are instead built using clang-cl, the same compiler used by upstream PuTTY.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.70 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.69 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.68 released.


Revision 1 of patch for PuTTY 0.67 released. This version adds 64-bit builds. In addition, the default regular expression for matching URLs has changed from:

(((https?|ftp):\/\/)|www\.)(([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)|localhost|([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.(com|net|org|info|biz|gov|name|edu|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]))(:[0-9]+)?((\/|\?)[^ "]*[^ ,;\.:">)])?
((https?|ftp)://|www\.).(([^ ]*\([^ ]*\))([^ ()]*[^ ,;.:"')>])?|([^ ()]*[^ ,;.:"')>]))


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.67 released.


Revision 1 of patch for 0.66 released. Fixes an issue where unicode characters would prevent URL detection from working.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.66 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.65 released.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.64 released.


Revision 1 of patch for 0.63 released. Fixes an issue where specifying a non-default browser would not work.


PuTTY-url based on PuTTY 0.63 released.


This page went live with a patch for PuTTY 0.62.


Revision 1 of patch for 0.61 including a fix for a crash the patch introduced.


The first version for PuTTY 0.61 was released on my blog.

This patch was created when PuTTY 0.61 was released, since PuTTY Tray was no longer being developed. When that happened I decided to port the functionality I was interested in to the new version, and in the process I also rewrote the C++ parts in C.

The URL handling code from PuTTY Tray originally came from Nutty.

  1. Download the PuTTY source, the icons and the patch
  2. Unpack the source, the icons, and apply the patch: tar xzf putty-*.tar.gz; cd putty-$VERSION; tar xzf ../putty-url-icons.tar.gz; patch -p1 < ../putty-url-*.patch
  3. Generate build files: ./mkfiles.pl
  4. Export the TOOLPATH variable so that the variables CC and RC in windows/Makefile.mgw point to your tools (e.g. export TOOLPATH="i686-mingw32-")
  5. Build it: cd windows; make -f Makefile.mgw.
  6. The created executable (putty.exe) can be found in the windows/ subdirectory of the source directory.
File Description
putty-url-0.81.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.81
putty-url-0.80.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.80
putty-url-0.79.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.79
putty-url-0.78.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.78
putty-url-0.77.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.77
putty-url-0.76.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.76
putty-url-0.75.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.75
putty-url-0.74.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.74
putty-url-0.73.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.73
putty-url-0.72.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.72
putty-url-0.71-r1.patch Patch (r1) for PuTTY 0.71
putty-url-0.71.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.71
putty-url-0.70.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.70
putty-url-0.69.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.69
putty-url-0.68.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.68
putty-url-0.67-r1.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.67, revision 1.
putty-url-0.67.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.67.
putty-url-0.66-r1.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.66, revision 1.
putty-url-0.66.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.66
putty-url-0.65.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.65
putty-url-0.64.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.64
putty-url-0.63-r1.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.63, revision 1.
putty-url-0.63.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.63
putty-url-0.62.patch Patch for PuTTY 0.62
putty-tobbez-0.61-r1.patch Updated patch for PuTTY 0.61 with some bug fixes.
putty-tobbez-0.61.patch First release of the patch for PuTTY 0.61.